Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Anyone? Bueller?

Well lookee here - another twenty-something with a blog.

Welcome to the small corner of the internet that I'm carving out. Consider this me staking my flag upon these territories.

In the coming months, my life is going to fall to shit: I'm writing my senior thesis, desperately searching for jobs that accommodate a history major whose knowledge mainly lies in 1960s Germany, and graduating from college.

In order to make these things easier, I've decided to whittle down my fall wardrobe into a capsule of forty pieces. I'm inspired in part by both Unfancy and Hey Natalie Jean. Doing this will save me time. It will save me space. It will mean that getting dressed will be one less stress in my life. And this blog is to keep me accountable to this challenge. 

Why the name Dark Matter?
1. Nearly all of my clothes are black, navy, or grey. It's come to the point where wearing jeans (dark wash, natch) is considered adding a "pop of color" to an outfit. My colorless closet has become a running joke amongst my friends, who have taken to calling me #dark.
2. I'm writing my senior thesis on the 1963 Auschwitz trials in West Germany. A dark matter, indeed.



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